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Insert Systems

What Are Insert Systems?

Insert Systems refers to the type of receptacle found on the bottom of your golf shoe. The Insert System determines the type of spike that will fit your shoe. Different manufacturers use different types of receptacles, so it's important to be able to match the right spike to the right Insert System.

Currently, there are at least 9 different branded receptacles on the market, with several being cross- or backward-compatible. The guide below shows the 5 most prevalent insert systems and the difference between each. Once you've identified the type of receptacle on your shoe, use our Spike Replacement Guide to find the spikes that you need.

Fast Twist 3.0® (FT3) • [SHOP]

• The most advanced insert system on the market.
• Lower profile for better comfort. 
• OEM system used in a large number of golf shoes.
• Cross-compatible with Tour Lock™ and Slim-LOK®
• FT3 spikes will fit Fast Twist® or Tri-LOK® insert systems
• Fast Twist 3.0 spikes come in packs of 18 spikes
* Fast Twist 3.0 was previously branded as Tour Lock™

Slim-LOK® • [SHOP]

• Low-profile
• Compatible with Fast Twist® & Tri-LOK® insert systems.
• Will accept spikes with FT3 and/or Tour Lock™ design.
• Slim-LOK spikes come in packs of 18 spikes

PINS® (Performance Insert System) • [SHOP]

• Introduced in 2008
• Found in a wide range of golf shoes
• Lower Profile than previous systems
• Green-Friendly
• PINS spikes come in packs of 20 spikes


• Triangular locking system
• Found mostly on Nike shoes prior to 2013
• Created as an alternative to threaded inserts
• One turn, one click
• Q-LOK spikes come in packs of 16 spikes

Small Metal Thread • [SHOP]

• Found in a wide range of shoes
• Threaded twist insertion
• Small Metal Thread spikes come in packs of 22 spikes